In the engineering sector, more and more people are betting on gender diversity. Vectio wants to give visibility to the role of women in this sector, so on June 23rd, International Day of Women in Engineering, we will host a presentation on the role of women in engineering at our offices in Madrid.
The event, which will start at 1:00 pm, will have three speakers:
- Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, director of the UNESCO Chair of Gender Policies in Science, Technology and Innovation, and Full Professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Planning of the Polytechnic University of Madrid and collaborator of the TRIGGER project
- Marta García-Valenzuela associate director of Talengo who leads the practice of Diversity. She collaborates as a speaker on various topics of leadership and talent as well as being a mentor of the “Mujer y Ingenieria” program.
- • Ana González is a Transport Planner at WSP in England, coordinates several support programs for employees who are starting their careers and is involved in corporate relations with several British universities. With Ana we will have an international vision.
The day will deal with the impact of diversity in the business world, what challenges organizations face and a Business Case. A wine of honor will be held afterwards, a moment for attendees to debate in a relaxed manner.
The entire event can be followed on Twitter with the hashtag # INWED17.