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Vectio will take part in the Data Collection and Scoping Study of the Current and Proposed Land Use Changes in the Greater Cairo Region and Surrounding Area on the Road and Transport System

Vectio as a part of a consortium led by ALMEC, has been commissioned by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to take part in the Data Collection and Scoping Study of the Current and Proposed Land Use Changes in the Greater Cairo Region and Surrounding Area on the Road and Transport System.

For the next year (2021-2022) Vectio and our partners will be supporting the project beneficiary the General Authority for Urban Planning, Ministry of Housing, Utilities & Urban Communities (GOPP) and the rest of the agents involve in the project, The Transport Planning Authority (TPA),  the Ministry of Transport; NUCA (New Urban Communities Authority, The Ministry of Housing, Utilities & Urban Communities); and SCZone – General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone.

As the Urban Transport Lead, the Vectio team will carry out various activities:

  • Activity 1: A comprehensive data collation and analysis to first establish baseline conditions in the study area
  • Activity 2: Undertake a gap analysis of committed plans
  • Activity 3: Subsequently propose revisions or additional measures to ensure that the overarching strategic objectives of improving the multimodal transport system are met.

This project will be endorsed by the long history of collaboration JICA has had with the Egyptian authorities – it conducted the Cairo Regional Area Transportation Study (CREATS) in 2002, the Strategic Urban Development Master Plan Study for a Sustainable Development of the Greater Cairo Region (SDMP) in 2008, and the Comprehensive Study on The Master Plan for Nationwide Transport System in the Arab Republic of Egypt (MiNTS) in 2012 to help resolve the various challenges facing the transport sector. With this backdrop, the ALMEC-lead team has now been commissioned to collect the latest transport and mobility data and undertake a series of surveys to help clarify on-going issues vis-à-vis existing plans by confirming the proposed measures, the current situation and consequently analyzing the changes since the completion of CREATS and MiNTS. The team will then propose the scope of works for a follow-on assignment to help overcome those remaining, unresolved issues.


About Vectio: 

At Vectio we are focused on the effective planning of sustainable mobility, we are experts in this field. Throughout our ten years of life we ​​have always maintained an innovative vocation, betting on the technological means most demanded by our clients. We firmly believe that, after more than 500 successful projects, what differentiates us from any other company in the sector is the use of the best technology for the collection and analysis of traffic and mobility.

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