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Benalmádena City Council relies on Vectio to update its SUMP

The City Council of Benalmádena (Málaga) has relied on Vectio Traffic Engineering for the update of its SUMP. For this decision, Vectio’s extensive experience in drafting and updating Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans has been taken into consideration. Benalmádena joins localities such as Zarautz, Torrelaguna, Pola de Siero, Boadilla or Madrid whose city councils have trusted Vectio during this 2024 to carry out different urban mobility studies.

With a population of 75,800 inhabitants (INE, 2023) Benalmádena is the seventh most populated municipality in the province of Malaga, the nerve center of the Costa del Sol and a national tourist reference. In the last 50 years, this locality formed by three urban centers (Benalmádena Pueblo, Arroyo de la Miel and Benalmádena Puerto) has seen its resident population multiply by 10.

The Benalmádena City Council has a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan from 2020 and since then, the city has been transforming, both in terms of pedestrian mobility and road traffic, as well as changes in the public transport system, improvements in accessibility, various asphalting plans, and most importantly, the legal obligation to implement a low-emission zone in the municipality, as established by Law 7/2021 of May 20, on climate change and energy transition, which sets the objective of establishing LEZs in all cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants by 2023.

Therefore, the City Council of this beautiful town in Malaga considers that it is essential to update the PMUS of Benalmadena, to analyze and put into context the current mobility, and plan for the next 4 years, the future lines of action that will mark the movements in the city. To this end, it requests Vectio to carry out a detailed study that includes: Update of the pre-diagnosis; Field work and updating of cartography; Development of the new Action plan adapted to the current municipal reality within the framework of Grants and Low Emission Zone; and Update of the monitoring plan with advice on the performance by technicians.

Benalmádena Puerto                                                                                                        Benalmadena Marina.


About Vectio

At Vectio we are focused on the effective planning of sustainable mobility, we are experts in this field. Throughout our seventeen years of life we have always maintained an innovative vocation, betting on the technological means most demanded by our customers. We have the firm conviction that, after more than 700 successful projects, what differentiates us from any other company in the sector is the use of the best technology for the capture and analysis of traffic and mobility.


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