European Mobility Week is celebrated, as it is every year, from 16 to 22 September across the continent. This year’s theme is “Zero-emission mobility for all”. The theme reflects the ambitious goal of achieving a climate-neutral continent by 2050, as pointed out by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, at the presentation of the European Green Pact.
For fourteen years, Vectio has been promoting sustainable mobility in each of its projects, and since 2018, we have actively collaborated in European Mobility Week.
In 2018 we started a campaign to promote walking and public transport. The action was carried out in Oviedo, Calatayud and Madrid, and had great support from the citizens. Our aim was to motivate people to use the city bus and to move around the city on foot, not only by promoting, but also by educating about the benefits of moving around in a more sustainable way.
It is essential that people are aware of the positive impact of these small actions that all of us can do by choosing to move in a sustainable way.
In 2019 we are working side by side with the Aviles City Council to organise activities during Mobility Week: biciescuela, safe roads, walking routes around the city, etc.
Of the action carried out in 2019, it is worth highlighting the commitment of the youngest children, who are aware of the importance of caring for the environment in which we live, and who enjoy and value being able to feel safe when they have the option of using their bicycle or have safe school routes to get to school.
This 2020 is a difficult year, we are facing a pandemic and in the months of confinement we have learned a lot about sustainable mobility, its importance and its future. This year we all need to adapt in terms of what major public initiatives are concerned, but this should not detract from individual action.
We encourage you to opt for emission-free mobility in your everyday life as much as possible. Your health and the environment will appreciate it. Network your initiatives with us! We read you!
About Vectio:
At Vectio we are focused on the effective planning of sustainable mobility, we are experts in this field. Throughout our ten years of life we have always maintained an innovative vocation, betting on the technological means most demanded by our clients. We firmly believe that, after more than 500 successful projects, what differentiates us from any other company in the sector is the use of the best technology for the collection and analysis of traffic and mobility.