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Transport assessment with micro-modelling for the extension of the Puente de Rande in the AP-9

Infrastructure & Engineering

U.T.E. Rande (consisting of the companies Dragados and Puentes Infraestructuras), in charge of performing the works to increase the capacity of the AP-9 motorway in the Puente de Rande (Pontevedra) stretch, commissioned Vectio to conduct the transport assessment, in order to evaluate the traffic behaviour of the initial design of the extension of capacity of the infrastructure, as well as to propose alternatives that entail capacity and exploitation improvements. It is a very sensitive infrastructure in the mobility of the area, so traffic micro-modelling techniques were used.

The assessment was divided into two parts at distinct times: the first part was the assessment of traffic before the extension work and after it, with data collection of vehicular mobility in the area studied and, by means of analysis techniques, a digital model of current and future traffic was built. In the second part, using the previous model, an evaluation of the traffic was conducted in both the trunk road and in the lanes to be extended.

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Client:UTE RANDE (Dragados + puentes infrestructuras)
Infrastructure & Engineering


  • Speed analysis
  • Service level analysis
  • 40 hours of analysis

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