The aim of the study is the realization of the necessary works for a previous study of solutions of the problems derived from the traffic of vehicles in the A-5 between the PP.KK 3+000 and 7+000, where is the population most directly affected by the noise and the barrier effect
Vectio Traffic & Transport Planning has developed the following field works to quantify and identify the problems derived from traffic so that the proposals designed address and solve the problems identified and collected in the field works.
The technical works of the project corresponds to the following items:
• Study and analysis of the corridor identifying the geometric characteristics of each section in the corridor
• Analysis and identification of collective urban and interurban transport coverage;
• Campaign of pedestrian ATC surveys to identify the zones of greater pedestrian flow
• Campaign of vehicular ATC surveys for the identification of vehicular flows in the accesses and trunk of the A5
• Survey campaign of interception of public transport users
• Citizen survey campaign to identify the perception of the problems arising from traffic in the corridor