The Technical Department for Taxis of the City Council of Madrid awarded Vectio, through public procurement, an analysis assessment of the taxi sector to obtain mobility data for this mode of transport.
The aim of this assessment was to conduct a diagnosis of the sector, by obtaining data related to public transport by taxi in the city of Madrid.
To do this, Vectio provided technical assistance both in collecting data relating to the totalisers in a statistical sample, and in processing the data obtained. The information collected in the totaliser allowed us to find out the number of trips per day, the distance travelled per day, the number of kilometres travelled with the taxi occupied and with the taxi unoccupied, and the number of minutes with the taxi occupied and with the taxi unoccupied
Additionally, revealed preference surveys were conducted with professionals who participated in the study randomly. This way, we were able to find out data such as the day of the week and the month that has the highest and lowest activity, the average trip distance, types of use of the license, use or not of supports such as mobile applications, type of taximeter, etc.