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Traffic audit for a new roundabout in the A-2 road

Infrastructure & Engineering

The client required a traffic audit in which an exhaustive analysis of the traffic that circulates and will circulate through the new projected roundabout and its interconnections with the rest of the high capacity roads was carried out, with the objective of identifying traffic flows of the future access planned, traffic prognosis in the horizon year, and evaluation of the level of exploitation of said access; as well as evaluating a possible evaluation of a possible effect on the trunk of the road.

With the approval of the management of the study, it was proposed to carry it out in two different parts, separated in time. The first part was the analysis of mobility data in the environment of study and construction of the digital model of traffic in a microscopic environment. In a second part, based on the previous base model, an evaluation of the accesses was carried out according to the original approach, as well as those proposed later.

The works carried out was as follows:

  • Compilation of existing data on traffic demand on the surrounding roads and ATC surveys from the Public Authorities.
  • Analysis of the values in the audited report.
  • Analysis of the Levels of Service of the intersection under study, following the analysis methodology of the traffic software “SIDRA INTERSECTION”.
  • Study of future traffic allocation based on traffic microsimulation techniques. For this purpose a digital model of the environment was edited in which the traffic demand measured in the field work phase is assigned.

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  • 2 artificial vision cameras
  • Traffic micro-simulation
  • Levels of service analysis

For further information, contact our commercial team.