In coordinating the Special Plan, the company ITA Ingenieros Técnicos Asociados were faced with the task of creating the urban conditions needed to carry out the request to change the urban use from a private car park to a public car park. In order to successfully carry out the project, the company asked Vectio to conduct a transport assessment that would allow it to understand the flow of travel in the area, estimate the traffic generated by the future parking lot and diagnose its road capacity.
The future public car park is inside the Complex of Azca, specifically in Paseo de la Castellana, 77 and has a total surface area of 9,600 square meters.
The works carried out to conduct this assessment were as follows:
- Installation of artificial vision cameras at junctions with traffic lights;
- Assessment of allocation of future traffic rates based on traffic micro-modelling techniques, for which a digital model of the area was built;
- Assessment of the junctions with traffic lights and immediate access to the complex from the area, as these are the critical points of an uninterrupted traffic flow.