For the public tender, called by the City Council of Madrid, for the design and construction of an underground infrastructure for an intermodal transfer facility and car park in the Calles Sevilla, Alcalá and Plaza de Canalejas, the OHL Group had a large group of architectural and engineering companies to prepare the tender, with our company being chosen for the mobility and traffic engineering area.
The objective was to draft a comprehensive plan that would efficiently and safely distribute vehicular and pedestrian traffic flows during the works of the intermodal transfer facility in Calle Sevilla.
This assessment was conducted in two separate parts, at distinct times:
- The first part was to collect and capture mobility data in the area studied, as well as the construction of a digital traffic model using analysis techniques.
- The second part was to assess the proposed detours.
To carry out this assessment, we carried out the following works:
- Collection of existing data on traffic demand from surrounding roads;
- Installation of artificial vision technology traffic counts in the vicinity of the underground infrastructure;
- Processing with artificial vision software of the images filmed through the traffic counts;
- Analysis of the level of service of the surrounding roads;
- Route videos with a geo-referencing camera on-board a vehicle;
- Construction of a digital traffic model of the area;
- Assessment of traffic detours during the implementation work of the underground infrastructure, based on micro-modelling techniques.