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Traffic assessment regarding different mobility trends in a legal court area in Sevilla

City and Public Authorities

This study was awarded by the Andalusian Government to the company Vectio in a public tender to find out about the mobility habits of workers and users in the different courthouses in Seville.

The aim of this study was to determine the mobility patterns of the employees of the Justice Administration, as well as of the external professionals and users who use the judicial headquarters in the city of Seville. In addition, the aim was to find out the declared preferences for a hypothetical transfer from the current headquarters to a new location, in order to find out which modes of transport those interested would choose to travel.

In order to find out the aforementioned data, a survey campaign was carried out to reveal preferences, and in addition, a capacity survey was conducted to determine the number of people who access these buildings on a normal working day. These seating capacities have been determined by means of artificial vision cameras installed on the access doors to the buildings.

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Client:Junta de Andalucía
City and Public Authorities


  • 7 artificial vision cameras
  • PD Surveys

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