Breogán Park is the first project in Spain to completely transform a shopping centre into a state-of-the-art retail park.
The purpose of this study was to provide Breogán Park, S.L.U., the developer of the new medium-sized shopping centre called Breogán Park, with a traffic and mobility study to characterise the demand generated by the new shopping area to be developed on a plot in A Coruña, located on the grounds of the old Dolce Vita shopping centre, and to evaluate the accesses and their capacity to absorb the new demand. To do this, the study had to obtain and understand the current traffic flow in the area, estimate the generation of mobility of the new development proposed, and then diagnose the road capacity of the diversion alternatives and their level of service, as well as propose improvements to ensure the alternative of greater fluidity and safety for access to the study area in an optimal manner.
Likewise, the accessibility to the plot was studied, detecting points of congestion so that we are in a position to know perfectly the characteristics of accessibility to the area under study and, subsequently, to propose improvements that guarantee the alternative of greater fluidity and safety in the operation of the development by means of simulation techniques, as well as compliance with the requirements of the local and national network regulations.