The client , in full commercial expansion, wishes to know the traffic that circulates on the roads adjacent to different surfaces located throughout the geography of the country of Portugal, in which it plans possible locations. This specific study analyses the traffic around the possible location in the Azores Islands.
The work developed for the preparation of this study was carried out in two phases:
- The first phase consisted of field work, in which a visit to the area was carried out to assess the area and determine the locations for the gauging equipment. Data collection was carried out by installing a machine vision camera at the roundabout intersection that distributes traffic from all roads leading to the study roundabout, as well as by installing automatic survey equipment on the Estrada Circular.
- In the second phase, the data collected in the fieldwork phase were processed and analysed, and the historical databases of permanent gauging stations in the area were consulted in order to be able to establish a traffic model that represents the future trend in the area.