With the intention of developing a new shopping centre, the company Traces made use of the consulting service offered by Vectio to conduct a traffic and sustainable mobility assessment. Our client’s aim was to obtain a commercial license in line with the regulations of the Regional Government of Andalusia.
The new commercial site is located in the municipality of Jaén, specifically north of the 323a National Road Bailén-Motril. The plot would be accessed through a new access road and an access roundabout from that road, which would replace the existing access.
The works that were carried out to conduct this assessment were as follows:
- Installation of a traffic count with radar technology;
- Installation of artificial vision cameras in various roundabout junctions;
- Manual vehicle count at the surrounding junctions based on footage filmed on the ground;
- Assessment of allocation of future traffic rates according to the four-step transport modelling method;
- Analysis of the level of service of the surrounding roads according to the methodology of the Road Capacity Manual;
- Assessment of the surrounding roundabout junctions based on micro-modelling techniques.