The client requested a study regarding a potential development in a new logistic environment located in Murcia. After having completed an initial study (Phase I), the client has decided to go one step further and through this project to carry out a detailed analysis of the future logistics centre in order to guarantee operations and identify possible weak points in the accessibility of the centre.
Prior to the implementation of the logistics activity, it is necessary to analyse the traffic and mobility with the aim of evaluating the access to the chosen location in the different means of transport, with special emphasis on the private vehicle and heavy vehicle traffic.
The aim of the study was to provide the client company with a traffic and mobility study that would make known the current flow of travel in the area in order to analyse the infrastructure of the nearest area and estimate the generation of traffic for future development. Finally the study diagnosed, thanks to the use of simulation software, the road capacity and its level of service, proceeding to propose improvement measures if these were necessary. Therefore, the client company has been able to perfect the characteristics of accessibility to the study development.